
Xanga Archives 08/09/2005

Fixed the leak in the bathtub waterline and a couple of days later the line to the toilet broke from the new improved water pressure. Good thing my hubby isn 't afraid of tackling projects with no experience or knowledge. He did a fine job of fixing both and saved us about $300 in the process. Still having trouble with the ants and the pesticide didn't touch the bees in the hive. Still working on a solution to that. Someone mentioned a bug zapper. We are ruminating on the idea.

The worst of the heat seems to be over and we had a very cool spell for a few days and now it's hot again, but it's much cooler than a couple of weeks ago. We were practically melting on the furniture. Now we are just sweating on it.

I've read the first 4 books in the Chronicles of Narnia and have started the 5th. They are written on a much younger level than I am used to reading, so they just flow right along. Very good books. I wish I had discovered them when I was at that much younger level. I think I would have enjoyed them very much.

Learned how to hook my PC to my stereo. So cool. Now we don't have to listen on the tiny little PC speakers anymore. We can listen in surround sound. Yippeeee. My husband is thrilled and of course, I'm always thrilled when I can find something to give him that thrills him so much (as he is not so easily moved).

Going to try streaking my hair today or tomorrow. I have light brown to dark blonde hair and am going to put some subtle burgundy streaks in it. I am just trying to figure out where to put them so as to stand out, but not look like I spray painted them on. hee hee.

Have a blessed day.

0 remarks: on "Xanga Archives 08/09/2005"

disclaimer:  caution must be taken when reading my blog.  i'm a new creature and the Lord continues to mold and shape me through his will.  older entries may seem to contradict the newer ones.  there's a pretty good chance that they do for two reasons.  first, because of my nature, as i strive for perfection, i will continue to fall short of the mark and should therefore be thankful for his grace and should seek his (and your) forgiveness for having been so foolish in the past.   second, i continue to grow in him; and as changes are made, i have made attempts to change my blog to reflect those changes. in this event, please refer to #1.   if you're interested in perfection, my blog isn't the place to be.  pick up a king james bible (yup, i'm one of THOSE people) and read his PERFECT word.