
Xanga Archives 07/14/2005

Been here, hmmm...a little over a month and they took our tree. There was a 100+ year old maple tree shading our front porch when we moved in and the city cut it down yesterday for their city upgrade project. Something about widening the corners on the road. Bitter sweet, really. It turns out the tree was almost dead from ant infestation and probably would have come down soon during a storm or such other problem, but now the east side of the house is exposed to direct sunlight for 70 percent of the day. I'm sure it was a blessing, but we miss the tree none the less.

I got a new kitchen faucet today. That was an easy blessing to spot. We've had nothing but trouble from the kitchen sink since we moved in. Even got a $17 discount on the faucet because Walmart mismarked the shelf.

Hubby's surgery is tomorrow. Things will be busy for the next few days trying to heal him back up for work.

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disclaimer:  caution must be taken when reading my blog.  i'm a new creature and the Lord continues to mold and shape me through his will.  older entries may seem to contradict the newer ones.  there's a pretty good chance that they do for two reasons.  first, because of my nature, as i strive for perfection, i will continue to fall short of the mark and should therefore be thankful for his grace and should seek his (and your) forgiveness for having been so foolish in the past.   second, i continue to grow in him; and as changes are made, i have made attempts to change my blog to reflect those changes. in this event, please refer to #1.   if you're interested in perfection, my blog isn't the place to be.  pick up a king james bible (yup, i'm one of THOSE people) and read his PERFECT word.